Saturday, May 13, 2006
Biking in Stortford
We rode down through the woods at Birchwood. There's a route sort of marked out that involves high speed slalom through trees and the odd jump. The whole course is on a slight downhill gradient - so you really gather momentum. You spend so much time on the brakes that you end up adjusting them when you get to the bottom to sharpen them up a tad. There are a few jumps which Andy has crashed and burned on so far. The one in the photo below is known as 'Devil's Dip' - potential for massive air!!

^ Andy standing on the lip of devel's dip ^
^ Troll bridge - one of many covered in chicken wire - so ya don't slip ^
Stortford is really good for biking - loads of variation - Urban - Rural - Climbs - Downhilling!!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
070506 The Goat - Hertford Heath

^ Austin Healey ^
^ Possible the best car of the show - owner paid 6k from ze germans ^

^ Had a lovely dice with this 308 on the way back - quite well matched ^
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Ace Cafe - Jap performance night
Monday, May 01, 2006
Handcrouching in Hertford

^ Matt was a handcrouch virgin until now - 1st time he did the chair crouch! ^
Check out these videos - the 1st is a sort of hand crouch duel between Butch and I....
The 2nd literally took hand crouching to new heights - on a bar stool/chair over 1 meter high....
The evening was concluded by singing football songs with Matt and Butch. Initially we were joining in legitimate footy chants - then we improvised and substituted certain lyrics for..... er..... animals - for example:
I would rather be a lizard than a frog
I would rather be a lizard than a frog
I would rather be a lizard
Rather be a lizard
Rather be a lizard than a frog....
(Risky freestyled....)
Because I would have a longer tongue than you,
I would have a longer tongue than you....
Anyway - the football crowds dispersed - I think they were too witty for them.
John's B'day / Stu's sending off

^ Womble or Bear?? - answers on a postcard ^
^ At the beginning of the evening ^
^ Col and his lady friend - Naomi, hmmm ^
^ I gave John cheap Cigar for his B'day ^
^ "Awesome!!" ^
"Spen fell asleep in the bar - so we punished him ^
^ John got drunk courtesy of a rather messy pint ^
^ Unfortunately she was allergic to Mr Col and came out in this terrible rash! ^
^ John - Alex was very dissappointed in him ^
^ Claire rode Haywood ^
^ Stu also had a cheap Cigar to wish him luck in the army ^
^ Handcrouch?? - nose dive!! ^
^ Something tickled Katie ^
^ Goymour accessing his secret stash ^
^ Risky: "just relax Spen" ^
^ "Cock Off!!" ^
^ Promised I wouldn't disclose who this belonged to ^
^ Ace Cafe Breakfast that I very very very nearly decorated passing cars with on the journey home ^