Biking in Stortford
Andy reliably informed me that there used to be a castle on the top of the mount, unfortunately the gates were locked, so Andy had to forefit the challenge to ride down it!
We rode down through the woods at Birchwood. There's a route sort of marked out that involves high speed slalom through trees and the odd jump. The whole course is on a slight downhill gradient - so you really gather momentum. You spend so much time on the brakes that you end up adjusting them when you get to the bottom to sharpen them up a tad. There are a few jumps which Andy has crashed and burned on so far. The one in the photo below is known as 'Devil's Dip' - potential for massive air!!

^ Andy standing on the lip of devel's dip ^
^ Troll bridge - one of many covered in chicken wire - so ya don't slip ^
Stortford is really good for biking - loads of variation - Urban - Rural - Climbs - Downhilling!!
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