Monday, May 01, 2006

Handcrouching in Hertford

Matt, Butch and myself went to Hertford with Gib's friends and took Handcrouching to a whole new level....

^ Matt was a handcrouch virgin until now - 1st time he did the chair crouch! ^

Check out these videos - the 1st is a sort of hand crouch duel between Butch and I....

The 2nd literally took hand crouching to new heights - on a bar stool/chair over 1 meter high....

The evening was concluded by singing football songs with Matt and Butch. Initially we were joining in legitimate footy chants - then we improvised and substituted certain lyrics for..... er..... animals - for example:

I would rather be a lizard than a frog

I would rather be a lizard than a frog

I would rather be a lizard

Rather be a lizard

Rather be a lizard than a frog....

(Risky freestyled....)

Because I would have a longer tongue than you,

I would have a longer tongue than you....

Anyway - the football crowds dispersed - I think they were too witty for them.


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