Sunday, July 23, 2006

Delta Force

On Saturday we went paintballing for Matt's B'day. We arrived at Hemel Hempstead at stupid o'clock in the morning and after the initial safety briefing, we opened fire! Managed to sneak my old phone in for some pics as we went....

^ me ^

^ the lads - in between games ^

^ 12 games - head 2 head all day long ^

^ looks like I had egg on my face in this one ^

^ We were the yellow team ^

^ to use up our ammo we were allowed to shoot at the stag as he ran from one end of the battle field to the other ^

^ For four ballsy participants - a quick draw game at the end was organised ^

Memorable things that happened during the day:

Claire shot Hayward in the back - they were on the same team!!

John shouted "cover me!!" and promptly slide tackled me where I was crouching - he also fell over loads!

Katie proved to be an effective sniper - and barely got shot!

Risky thought he was being shot at while he was crouching behind a hay bale - but no - the paint splatter was coming from Claire who was crouching behind the same hay bale, but didn't lift her gun high enough - so the paintballs were ricocheting back at them.

Butch got made a 'purple' - all efforts were made to 'take him down' - but we failed.

A fat guy on the purple team, legged it down the hill - so I shot him, he slipped - so I shot him again, then he slipped again baring his ass - so I shot that too. He was quoted as saying "I didn't know what to hold onto first, my dick or my arse!".

Damn good day out - thanks v much to Matty 'the boy' Risk!


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