Ultimate Office Practical Joke
A colleague of mine flies Birds of prey. He sometimes nips to the pet shop to buy their food - on this occassion some whole frozen rats! oh yes! The temptation could not be resisted. We placed a rat that looked the most alive in another colleague's drawer - staring up at where C-J would sit at that desk.

Three of us who were in on the joke began to comment on how we'd seen a rat about the office (not a complete lie...) which made everyone a bit alert. Then I picked up some paper and asked everyone if they had a stapler.
Everyone said "no" and I asked them to check their drawers - which they did one-by-one until C-J opened his, screamed and shot back on his wheelie chair into the wall behind him with his arms and hands outstretched defending himself from the beast that was..... the frozen rat! Job done, thank you and good night!
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