Thursday, July 27, 2006

More humour in the workplace.....

Marketing in the local area is a big part of my role at Enterprise. It's a mixture of druming up fresh business from organisations that don't currently use Enterprise and thanking existing referal sources for sending the business our way. We've made up little "goodies" boxes to drop into places, full of doughnuts or sweets - it seems a relatively cheap and effective way of maintaining a local presence and friendly corporate image. So I went to Pound Land with a tenner!

^ What's that in the middle?? ^

I got a lot more than in the picture above - and everything was £1 (oddly enough). I bought a mixture of sweets and lolipops mainly - and as a joke a steak and kidney pie in a tin.

I'll probably send an unsuspecting colleague into a dealership or somewhere with a box, which they will think is full of sweets, when actually when they open it - a steak and kidney pie is revealed (suitable for 2 persons might I add....). How random is that!?!?


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