New Subaru - and it's a coupe!

^ 2 door scooby! ^
^ 2 door scooby! ^
^ Fur covered entrance ^
^ Doug testing it was real ice ^
^ Doug enjoying ice cold vodka ^
^ A wall of ice ^
^ Me biting the ice wall... hmmm ^
^ How COOL is that?? ^
^ 25 of the Enterprise Elite at Belgo's ^
^ These kept arriving at our table full of shots ^
^ Covent Garden - many free drinks were enjoyed here ^
^ Surf and Turf - Steak and Lobster ^
We then went to a rather more exclusive premium establishment called Fifty. It was a members only night and luckily for us Tim (our city manager) was indeed a member and we were his guests. We tried loads of different shots. We finished the night in the basement talking to random businessmen and gangsters alike drinking a bottle of their finest whiskey and my colleagues puffing on 40 quid cigars - which for some reason I came home with two in my pocket??
^ Tim showing us all how to dance ^
^ Dance Floor of Fifty - tables had Sony Plasmas underneath them - nice touch ^
^ Sun out and hood still up?? ^
^ You're only Gay if you push back! ^
^ John's best impression of a ladie's, er, flower? ^
^ Spel and Menney ^
^ Matt's pushing back ^
^ Col continues his winning streak with the Girls ^
^ Colin got very drunk - and turned pink ^
^ Spen ordered 4 sambucas - necked them - and left without paying! ^
^ John doing a drunken hand crouch ^
^ not bad considering I was inebriated ^
^ Laura setting a fine example by drinking water ^
^ Butcher pointing out that some tramp stole his beard ^
^HaHa - finally cought alex kissing a bloke! ^
^ Spen telling this really drunk guy he was going to wet himself! - oh the power of suggestion ^
^ Spen balanced a cone on his head - absolute quality! ^
^ ....and finally, yes - Spen turned him into a cone head - poor guy was so drunk he couldn't speak - Spen quite rightly highlighting him as a hazard! ^
^ This was the highlight of my evening - Mel and Spen got out of the taxi and Spen tried to get into the house. Unfortunately it wasn't his house as we heard Mel scream at him "You're trying to get into the wrong fucking house you Moron!!!!" - as he was jamming his key into a random house on their road.
^ Then we all kipped back at Matt's - thanks to Gill and Mick for letting us stay ^
^ The FreeStream - an F1 Car with a sheet over it?? ^
Russell has mentioned that I should go along to one of their testing days up at NorthWeald airfield and - get ready for this - "come and have a drive". Er, I quite like that. To read more on it, check out the following links:
^ On monday I gave my new nitro r/c car a blast - 4.6cc engine, running in :-( ^
^ Tuesday had afternoon off to play with cars - hence the brake dust on elise! ^
^ On Wednesday I Saw a Googley Eyed Morgan Aero8 at TVR garage ^
^ On Thursday I saw an 850bhp Cosworth built Lambo engine from a powerboat in the reception of company I was delivering too ^
^ On Friday I drove home, took a picture of the sky - oh yeah and drunk until 3am with Stu! ^
The high light of the forthcoming week should be going out for a drink with Alex once he's back from Oman - Top Blogging by the way Al!