London - how it should be done!

^ Fur covered entrance ^

^ Doug testing it was real ice ^
^ Doug enjoying ice cold vodka ^
^ A wall of ice ^
^ Me biting the ice wall... hmmm ^
^ How COOL is that?? ^
^ 25 of the Enterprise Elite at Belgo's ^
^ These kept arriving at our table full of shots ^
^ Covent Garden - many free drinks were enjoyed here ^
^ Surf and Turf - Steak and Lobster ^
We then went to a rather more exclusive premium establishment called Fifty. It was a members only night and luckily for us Tim (our city manager) was indeed a member and we were his guests. We tried loads of different shots. We finished the night in the basement talking to random businessmen and gangsters alike drinking a bottle of their finest whiskey and my colleagues puffing on 40 quid cigars - which for some reason I came home with two in my pocket??
^ Tim showing us all how to dance ^
^ Dance Floor of Fifty - tables had Sony Plasmas underneath them - nice touch ^
Man that rocks! belgos is the best restaurent in london. The fifty place looks so damn cool
Real Ice indeed - it was sooo cold in there - as your head goes back to drink the vodkas you get sort of 'ice-cream headache' style rush to your head - and sometimes it's cold enough to see your breath.
Sam, That was the best elite club!! I met liz on that night, not that I remember our 1st kiss, coz farrell was instrumental in us getting absolutely slammed!!
Great blog! Cheers Charlie!!
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