Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Renault World Series @ Donnington
I was given a load of free tickets to this event at Donnigton Park for the week end just gone. Absolutely superb. You got right up close to the action - walking round the race cars and being literally a stones throw away from the track action. Here's a few pics.....
^ Me and the guys! ^
^ Renault F1 car in bits ^

^ Meganne Trophy Cup ^

^ Meganne Trophy ^

^ Renault World Series ^

^ Wicked little bad boy five turbos - original RWDs ^

^ Alonso's '07 car, shhhh ^
Sunday, September 03, 2006
London on the cheap!
With nothing to do on a saturday night, young Butch and I set about the challenge of going to London, one of the most expensive cities in Europe - and not spend a penny!
Ok we're cheating a little bit. Some after hours work on saturday meant I had the privilidge of an '06 Focus with a full tank for the week end - so that was our transport sorted. First stop Ace Cafe. We arrived at the cafe and absolutely nothing was going on - so we left. We decided to drive to Chelsea to see if the cruise was on.....
^ Chelsea Bridge..... the cruise was last week ^
With Butch as my guide, I set out to see everything that was quintessentially 'LONDON' - or maybe stereotypically is more appropriate. Appologies for the photos - they were taken at night and whilst moving:
^ Big Ben ^
^ A London Cab ^
^ A traffic warden..... you can't park anywhere ^
^ The London Eye ^
^ Picadilly Circus ^
^ A party boat ^
^ A London Bus.... full of politicians going to Hamstead Heath ^
^ A Policeman ^
Friday, September 01, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Next test drive
The guys from Dax sports cars came over to see me at work the other - and wanted to take me out in this Cobra:
It has an 8.2 litre V8 and the back seemed to just dig in as he nailed it and screached out of the car park.... Sadly I was too busy to go on the demo this time - but hopefully there will be others!

^ 8.2litres of beast ^
It has an 8.2 litre V8 and the back seemed to just dig in as he nailed it and screached out of the car park.... Sadly I was too busy to go on the demo this time - but hopefully there will be others!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
More humour in the workplace.....
Marketing in the local area is a big part of my role at Enterprise. It's a mixture of druming up fresh business from organisations that don't currently use Enterprise and thanking existing referal sources for sending the business our way. We've made up little "goodies" boxes to drop into places, full of doughnuts or sweets - it seems a relatively cheap and effective way of maintaining a local presence and friendly corporate image. So I went to Pound Land with a tenner!
^ What's that in the middle?? ^
I got a lot more than in the picture above - and everything was £1 (oddly enough). I bought a mixture of sweets and lolipops mainly - and as a joke a steak and kidney pie in a tin.
I'll probably send an unsuspecting colleague into a dealership or somewhere with a box, which they will think is full of sweets, when actually when they open it - a steak and kidney pie is revealed (suitable for 2 persons might I add....). How random is that!?!?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Ultimate Office Practical Joke
A colleague of mine flies Birds of prey. He sometimes nips to the pet shop to buy their food - on this occassion some whole frozen rats! oh yes! The temptation could not be resisted. We placed a rat that looked the most alive in another colleague's drawer - staring up at where C-J would sit at that desk.

Three of us who were in on the joke began to comment on how we'd seen a rat about the office (not a complete lie...) which made everyone a bit alert. Then I picked up some paper and asked everyone if they had a stapler.
Everyone said "no" and I asked them to check their drawers - which they did one-by-one until C-J opened his, screamed and shot back on his wheelie chair into the wall behind him with his arms and hands outstretched defending himself from the beast that was..... the frozen rat! Job done, thank you and good night!